English  Български 

UHT milks in 1 L packing, 3,2%, 2,0%, 1,5%, 0,5%.

Data of product:
 Individual packaging: 1,0 L carton with screw cap
 Summary packaging: pcs tray 12
 Unit bar code: 5900512320359
 Aggregate bar code: 5900512321097
 PKWiU: 15.51.11-50.22
 VAT: 3%
 Quantity of package units on the palette: 720  pcs
 Quantity of package units on 1 layer of the palette: 144  pcs
 Total quantity of aggregates on 1 palette: 60  pcs
 Quantity of the aggregate packages on 1 layer of the palette: 12  pcs
 Amount of layers on the palette: 5
 shelf life 100%: 6  months
 Kod CN: 04012091


 Data of product:
 Individual packaging: 1,0 L carton with screw cap
 Summary packaging: pcs tray 12
 Unit bar code: 5900512320335
 Aggregate bar code: 5900512321103
 PKWiU: 15.51.11-50.12
 VAT: 3%
 Quantity of package units on the palette: 720  pcs
 Quantity of package units on 1 layer of the palette: 144  pcs
 Total quantity of aggregates on 1 palette: 60  pcs
 Quantity of the aggregate packages on 1 layer of the palette: 12  pcs
 Amount of layers on the palette: 5
 shelf life 100%: 6  months
 Kod CN: 04012011



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